The first SPA Competition of the 2010 Season is the NORTH v the SOUTH hosted by Perth Petanque Club at the North Inch in Perth on 28th March.
With fingers crossed for good weather and remembering to put forward our clocks the SPA hoped for a reasonable turnout to the start of Season 2010.
We were not disappointed, the sun was shining and fifty five players, yes 55, were at the piste by 10:15 – 18 from Inverness, 8 from Fochabers, 13 from Perth, 8 from Inverleith,
4 from the Bees, and 4 from Troon.
What a wonderful turnout!
Battle commenced at 10:30, triples with nine teams per side playing four rounds.
Lunch was taken after two rounds with the North leading by 10 games to 8.
South changed gear in round 3 to take the lead 14 – 13 and on to round 4.
With one game left on the piste North had retaken the lead by 1 game, could South force a draw? With the score at 12 – 11 to South North conjured up 2 points to win the game and the match.
So the end result was – NORTH 19 – SOUTH 17
Thanks to Jim R, Fraser, Gavin T, John, Harvey, Stuart, Pat, Christine M, Moira, Duncan, Jim McC, Ernie, Gordon H, Gordon S, Bob, Christine R, Christine T and Christine S from Inverness and Gavin H, Gavin S (Bees), Alex, Lynn, Robbie, John, Shirley, Chris, and Richard from Fochabers who represented the North and Stuart, Lindsey, Mark, Elsie, Jean, Henry, Eileen, Mabel, Ian, Alice, Margaret, Douglas, and Sheila from Perth, Mags, Colin, Mari, Christine, Andy, Art, Dani, and Finlay from Inverleith, John, Christine and Caroline from the Bees and Donnie, Brian, Istvan and Malcolm from Troon who represented the South.