On Sunday 31st March, 41 players entered our friendly precursor to the season at Perth Petanque Club. Thank you to all who supported the event, despite the clash with Mother’s Day and losing an hour’s sleep.
Perth PC treated us to bacon rolls and coffee before the action kicked off on a cold, by dry day. The players were sorted at random into triples with the odd pair in each of the five rounds.
Top of the pile after the last round was Malcolm McKenzie, Douglas Hamilton was second and Paul Fletcher was third. The final standings for all players can be found here.
Next up is the EuroCup Qualifier to be contested by Perth PC and Inverleith PC at Carnoustie on 7 April, followed by the first Grand Prix of the season at Perth on 28 April.
Finally, a quick reminder that we are selling SPA branded jacks in 4 colours (white, blue, purple and pink) for £2.50 each. You can pick some up at SPA competitions while stocks last, but if you aren’t able to get to a competition and want some, you can email Colin Stewart colinstewart1976@gmail.com who will sort you out.