Grand Prix 2 was contested by 17 triples teams on Sunday 15 May at Perth Petanque Club. The usual format (6 rounds of swiss ladder timed games) meant that, due to the odd number of teams, byes would be necessary.
The competition was dominated by Triaxle (Emma Montgomery, Paul Fletcher and Kevin Johnstone) who swept away all in their path to win with a perfect 6 wins, dropping only 19 points all day.
Scottish Wildcats (Art Ager, John Taylor and John Dryburgh also had an exceptional day, winning 5 games and beating some strong teams on the way to second place.
Third place went to Pretty Vacant (Lynn Jenkins, Shirley Legge and Richard Carter) with 4 wins.
The SPA would like to thank Perth Petanque Club for their hospitality and hard work.
Grand Prix 3 will be held at Troon Petanque Club on 19 June.