The Finlay Morrison Memorial Pairs was held at the North Inch in Perth.
Perth‘s second day of summer – warm, sunny and wall to wall blue sky only 11 players – 8 from Perth, 2 from the Birds and Bees and 1 from Ayr – strolled their way to the North Inch clubhouse for croissants and coffee. Failing to rouse another player Adrian made up a triple with Mabel and Margaret.
So the 5 teams played 4 games each resulting in Douglas H winning the Trophy for the second year running – last year with Stuart M this year with Ed S.
The teams were Ed S and Douglas H – 4 wins; Christine and Twecher John – 3 wins; Eileen M and Alice S, Jean and Henry H and Mabel D, Margaret M and Adrian F- 1 win each.
Regardless of the fine weather yet again a disappointing turn out for a Club Competition open to all comers – where have all the players gone?